Despite your best efforts, sometimes you may need to redirect the heat in your home. This may be due to furniture positioning, an unused room, or a vent located near a thermostat that is affecting the reading accuracy. It may be tempting to block the vent’s airflow entirely. However, this can throw off your entire HVAC system causing the air to become trapped in the ductwork.

Over time this trapped air can damage your HVAC system by building pressure in the ducts that can then cause leaks. A better option for your HVAC system is to redirect the airflow. Vent deflectors can snap into place over the vent, directing the airflow away from the area. These are often available with magnets, so installation is simple.

Reasons to Redirect Air Flow

In a perfect world a home’s ductwork and layout would be perfectly designed to allow for optimal airflow throughout a room. Unfortunately, most homes have HVAC designs that are not perfect. Furniture blocking vents, houseplants in the direct way of vents, or air blowing on you when sleeping, may be reasons you want to redirect the airflow. While you should try to strategically plan the layout of your furniture with the ducts in mind, it isn’t always possible to have all of your air ducts in the perfect place. A blocked vent by furniture can mean that the air is lost in space, ineffective at cooling or heating a room. Too close to a houseplant and the constant blowing of warm air can dry it out. Vents that are blowing on you when sleeping or relaxing can also be nuisance.

Closing Air Vents Does Not Redirect Airflow

A common misconception is that the best way to redirect airflow is to close or cover the vent entirely. This can actually do permanent harm to your HVAC unit. The pressure of air backing up, without the release of the air vent, can cause the ductwork to become damaged. A better option is to externally redirect the airflow. Vent deflectors can easily be snapped onto the vent that have slight hoods to direct the air to a different part of the room.
Instead of closing or blocking a vent, when you have an air vent that needs to be addressed try using a vent deflector. This will keep the air traveling through the HVAC system and comfortable heating or cooling the room without becoming a problem.

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