Londonderry, NH Homeowner Seeks Help

As the temperatures begin to drop, rodents will seek warmth anywhere they can. Unlucky homeowners may find these critters taking up residence in their home’s heating system or ductwork. To keep rodents out, inspect your duct system for any gaps or cracks that can offer a way for these pests to enter. You will also want to invest in vent covers. When installed on all external flues, intakes and exhaust vents, this will go a long way to eliminating the point of entry.

After a bad experience last winter, a homeowner in Londonderry was concerned about keeping mice out of his heating system. He contacted the Joyce Cooling & Heating Inc. team looking for recommendations.

Prevention is Key to Keep Rodents Out During the Winter Months

Mice and other rodents will seek a warm place to make a nest and ride out the winter months. A home’s heating system can be an inviting place for these varmints. Even very small gaps or cracks in the ductwork, can allow mice the opportunity to invade your home. Cracks or disconnections in your ductwork can give these critters just the opportunity that they need. A professional can find these gaps in your ductwork, sealing the area to prevent any unwanted visitors.

Your home’s outdoor air conditioning condenser can also offer warmth for rodents looking for shelter. They can do plenty of damage chewing the wires, bringing in nesting supplies and leaving behind their urine and feces.To reduce the chance of a rodent taking up for the winter, you can clear away any vegetation surrounding the outdoor unit.

If your HVAC unit is damaged by these critters, Joyce Cooling & Heating Inc. can help to determine the extent, making the necessary repairs and precautions to prevent this in the future. A technician was able to assist the homeowner in Londonderry, making repairs to parts of the home’s ductwork that may give mice the opportunity to take up for the winter.

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