The calendar may still say summer but fall and (gasp) winter are right around the corner. Fickle New England weather can also mean you end up turning on your home’s heating system sooner than you may have liked, making this a good time to be sure everything is working properly before the temperature drops.

Clogged Air Filters Lead To Big Problems

One mistake that a Joyce Cooling & Heating Inc. technician recently saw when responding to a home in Nashua, NH was an extremely dirty and clogged air filter, affecting the system’s performance. Your heating system relies on the filter for efficiency of the airflow and indoor air quality. A clogged filter means the heating system will have to work double-time to achieve the same temperature. This ends up costing you money in the long-run in lost energy.

The poor indoor air quality as a result of a dirty of clogged filter can also cause health issues for you and your family. From asthma and allergies to rhinitis, your air filter can be the culprit for spreading allergen and dust throughout the home.

Neglecting to replace your heating system’s air filter regularly can also have an effect on the lifespan of the unit. When dirt accumulates in the air filter and is left over an extended period of time, your heating system has to work harder. This can ultimately lead to your system overheating, or a burned out motor due to these additional energy requirements.

Replace Air Filters For Maximum Efficiency

During the months of use your heating system’s filter should be replaced monthly. However at the minimum this should be done every three months. Changing your air filter is a relatively inexpensive household upkeep and does not take much time. Keeping to a regular schedule will be worth it for both your heating system and your family’s health.

Let us help you choose the correct air filter for your home heating system for you. Contact us today for your heating and air conditioning needs (833) 222-4667

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