Spring is finally in the air and many homeowners all over the state are gladly flinging open their doors and windows to let the fresh air in. In the past one homeowner in Milford, NH always found this time of year insufferable. His allergies would make him miserable, even being indoors at home was unbearable. The home either felt stuffy with the door and windows sealed, or he was welcoming the springtime pollen in through the windows.

Air Conditioning And Air Filtration Dramatically Improves Indoor Air Quality

Last year this homeowner finally reached out looking for a solution that would make the season more bearable. The answer was simple – a central air conditioning unit installed into his home. The system was also installed with an air filtration / purification unit that can filter out those contaminants that were causing this homeowner’s allergies to become out of control.

The air filtration / purification unit works in combination with the home’s heating and cooling system to remove both indoor and outdoor allergens from the air. At the same time the central air conditioning goes a long way to leave the house at a comfortable temperature, eliminating that stuffy feeling that can come from a sealed home on a warm day.

The controlled indoor environment has made a big difference in the life of this homeowner and his family. While he may not enjoy the fresh air of springtime, the controlled air and comfortable temperature while at home are making all of the difference in how this Milford, NH homeowner sees springtime.

Call Joyce Cooling & Heating Inc. now (833) 222-4667 to discuss the benefits of Air Conditioning and Air Filtration

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